Wiggle Party

Wednesday, July 28th, 2004
A diversion from productivity or technology posts: Michael Sampson revealed to the world that I was celebrating an anniversary of my 29th birthday. July is a month full of birthdays in our  home. Recently, I helped two of my daughters celebrate their Wiggles Theme birthday. Kathy "volunteered" me to be Captain Feathersword, the fun-loving, kindhearted, singing and dancing pirate. So for the Sampson family, here I am as the captain...

Image:Wiggle PartyImage:Wiggle Party

 I love watching pirate movies. In fact, just last night, Kathy and I watched the Pirates of Tortuga.  I have a large collection of pirate movies I like to watch, including, Pirates of the Caribbean, Crimson Pirate, and even the VeggieTales Pirates who don't do anything. I have no problem dressing up to play the part of a pirate, but I draw the line at a dancing pirate. (I have my professional image to maintain.)

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with The Wiggles, they are a group of entertainers from Australia, who for the past 13 years have been entertaining children, young and old[er], as they encourage them to eat their fruit salad, hot potatoes, cold spaghetti, mashed bananas, and crunchy munchy honey cakes.

Image:Wiggle Party

The Wiggles are quite popular in our home, surpassed only by the VeggieTales. (That's another story!) If you have children under the age of 6 in your home, then you have an excuse to watch the wiggles. Highly recommended. Oh, thanks for the birthday greeting, Michael!

Discussion/Comments (4):

Very good ...

... an "anniversary of your 29th birthday" ... that is a delightful way of putting it. I'm still laughing.

Posted at 07/28/2004 2:58:17 by Michael Sampson

Tap dancing on a peg leg?

Dancing pirate could be fun. I would'n mind doing that. It would look silly with my spectacles over the eye-patch but not as silly as if I were a dancing fairy :-)

Posted at 07/29/2004 16:23:09 by Weblocutor

re: Tap dancing on a peg leg?

Well, I suppose the Pirates danced in Pirates of Penzance, so I guess it could work.

Posted at 07/29/2004 17:05:18 by Eric Mack

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