What do Barack Obama and I have in common?

Sunday, February 1st, 2009
A full inbox.

I've only been back from Lotusphere a week and I'm still processing my emails and papers that accumulated in my absence. It seems that for every five I process, two new ones show up.

LotusNotesInboxWith603Unread.jpgFor me, this is a good problem to have, as most are inquiries following up about my Lotusphere presentation with with David or inquires as to how to purchase our software. Still, it can be a little overwhelming to begin the day with an in-box that looks like this.

But, you probably did not read this blog post to learn that; you are probably reading because of the title of this post. So, what do Eric Mack and Barack Obama have in common?

Sometimes my day begins like this, too...
President Obama's first day in office - sometime my days begin like this... Cartoon by Mike Smith, USA Today

Fortunately, I'm well equipped to deal with situations like this. I use David Allen's Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology and eProductivity for IBM Lotus Notes. As a result, processing a mountain like this isn't as daunting as it once was. I simply drag emails to the left to create new projects and actions, drag right to file, or click a button to move them into Act! for Notes.

I bet our new president could benefit from these tools, too!

(Too bad the White House uses Outlook.)

Discussion/Comments (1):

Maybe its time for change...to Lotus Notes Domino


Re "Too bad the White House uses Outlook."

I wonder since Clinton's democratic administration used Domino and then Bush switch (badly) to Exchange if change from Exchange will be in the works. Maybe its considered the Democratic platform.

Obama seems to have a least some connection developing with IBM's CEO as seen here...

{ Link }

No Balmer in sight.

Posted at 02/01/2009 16:52:33 by Roland Reddekop

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