This week, at the Southern California KM Exchange, the topic of social networking and its value knowledge management was mentioned often. At one of the lunches several of us discussed the use of social networking tools, like FaceBook, LinkedIn, and blogs. It turns out that only a few of us at the table were actively using social networking tools. Mary asked the question, "how do I get started?" A few of us offered advice and shared how easy it was to get started. I was impressed by Mary's curiosity about these tools and her willingness to explore a topic that still frightens many. I told her that if she decided to create a blog, she should send me a link and I would blog about it.
This morning, I opened my e-mail and received an invitation to LinkedIn and a link to Mary's new blog and her first blog post about her takeaways from the Southern California, KM Exchange.
Please welcome Mary Shippy to the blogosphere!
Mary Shippy on KM
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