Watching Free Willy with my daughters

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009
We've got Free Willy playing on the big screen.

On the first 5 minutes of the VHS tape there is a music video by Michael Jackson and a commercial for the "Save the Whales Foundation."


Let me get this straight:

In the commercial, the Save the Whales foundation  is sponsored by BumbleBee Tuna?

Sounds fishy to me.

Discussion/Comments (2):

Watching Free Willy with my daughters


VHS? I didn't know that still existed! ;-)

Posted at 05/24/2009 7:00:47 by Chris Blatnick

re: Watching Free Willy with my daughters

You didn't expect me to buy that on DVD did you?

Posted at 05/24/2009 9:21:41 by Eric Mack

Discussion for this entry is now closed.