Thankful for many things, including Skype

Thursday, November 22nd, 2007
This is my first time to miss Thanksgiving, ever. A bowl of rice noodles and food I like but cannot pronounce, no matter how delicious, is just not the same as a plate of roast turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and gravy. (I'm getting hungry just typing that.)

20071124_ThanksgivingCards.jpgThanksgiving, however, is about more than food; it's an opportunity to thank the Lord for His loving kindness and provision for us, and that I can do from anywhere. I indeed have much to be thankful for: my family, friends, the opportunity to live and work in the United States of America, and for the freedom I enjoy.

20071124_ThanksgivingSkypeCallFromManila.jpgBut mostly, I'm thankful for my family, who love me very much as I do them. And, I'm thankful for the opportunity to be here, in Manila, to serve the people here. This morning (it's 4:20 AM local time) I enjoyed a wonderful Skype video call with my family as they were about to celebrate Thanksgiving at home.

Indeed, I have much to be thankful for, even Skype.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Discussion/Comments (5):

Thankful for many things, including Skype

Thank you so much for your conference in Manila! I am one of the delegates. I learned so much on the first day. Looking forward to succeeding topics.

Posted at 11/24/2007 17:15:07 by Abby Lim

Thankful for many things, including Skype

Thank you for everything you are doing to serve God and to provide for us. I am so thankful to have you as my father!

Posted at 11/25/2007 10:38:14 by Wendy Mack

Thankful for many things, including Skype

God is the perfect weaver of situations. Without him we could not know somebody who is as productive as you, sharing your skills to other people. God loves you and your family. Hoping to learn more on these coming days.

Posted at 11/25/2007 14:23:28 by david arellano

Thankful for many things, including Skype

Thank you and may God bless you more for sacrificing Thanksgiving with your family to serving us in the Philippines. I could relate to you so much. I went to the USA in 2005 for business reasons as well and for the first time missed the biggest family event in the Philippines: Christmas! The bad thing was, my family did not have Skype and at that time it was very hard to get a call through from the USA to the Philippines. I'm glad you were able to spend some time with your family through Skype. Thank God for technology. :)

Posted at 11/28/2007 4:32:59 by Diana Lacson

Thankful for many things, including Skype

1st of al, i want to thank God for all his providence and prayer answered. Also thank you that there is Skype that even though i have migrated to australia, i'm still able to keep in touch with friends all over the world- FOR Free !! that's the best part !

Posted at 02/01/2008 18:39:55 by Content in Sydney

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