My Christian Testimony

Friday, April 28th, 2000
My logo includes a star, which represents the spiritual component to my life.  I am thankful for that component, and offer my testimony as an encouragement to others.

I did not grow up in a Christian home. Although I was baptized as an infant, my religious upbringing was, at best, inconsistent. Through sporadic attendance at Protestant churches, a Jewish temple when I was younger, and a few years at a Catholic church in my teens, I learned that God loved me and had a plan for me. However, I did not know what it meant to know Him personally or that it was even possible to do so.

I did not become a Christian until my early twenties. Prior to this time, I thought that I was a Christian - - began to attend church on my own, helped others, and gave to the needy. I even taught Sunday school! While these are all behaviors, which are often exhibited by Christians, they did not make me a Christian. Amazingly, despite my years of service to others, even in ministry, I had never been confronted with the question of "Who is Jesus?" Fortunately, there were two people who would confront me with this life-changing question.

In the early eighties, I met and hired an individual to work for my company as a consultant. As we worked together, he demonstrated to me what it meant to be a Christian and to live with a personal faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Not only did he set an example to me by his work, he routinely challenged me in my own faith as we drove to and from the clients we served. Concurrent with this, I became involved in a youth ministry as a youth activity leader at a local Methodist church. The youth pastor was on fire for the Lord and challenged each of us to examine the person of Christ as we prepared to minister to the youth of the church. Despite what I may have thought about myself and all the good things I was doing for others, I was living in sin and not fully honoring the Lord with my life. It was at this time that I realized that though I claimed to love God, I did not understand what it meant to personally invite Him to be Lord of my life. I was thirsty to know Him in a personal way.  I began to visit the local E.V. Free church up the street where I was encouraged to study the Bible, God's Word, to understand how I could know God personally.

Through regular church attendance and Bible study, I came to understand that I was a sinner and that I was personally in need of God's forgiveness. (... all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23) I wanted to experience His unconditional love for me, His forgiveness, and to serve Him. It was there that I repented of my sins and accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Many years later, on Palm Sunday, 1990, I had the opportunity to demonstrate publicly, my inward conversion, through baptism by immersion. I know that I am "Born again" and that my sins are forgiven and my salvation is assured. "But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead with transgressions - it is by Grace you have been saved." Ephesians 2:4-5.

Since coming to the Lord, I have grown in my walk with Him. I hope that this is evident in my personal and family life as well as in our business. I have had the opportunity to serve in ministry in a variety of ways. Most important, my wife Kathy and I are raising our 4 daughters to know and love the Lord Jesus.

If you have any questions or comments about what I have shared, I hope that you will use the contact link get in touch with me.

Discussion/Comments (1):

My Christian Testimony

Great post Eric! I "ran into" your blog after googling "christian gtd" because i've been into gtd for about a little less than a year now, and wanted the perspective from a Christian and their use of the system. I haven't read much around your blog yet, but look forward to what you have to say. P.S. This is a really old post ;)

Posted at 05/25/2007 20:44:36 by Jesse Perry

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