Here are some of my notes from his presentation on resetting the enterprise with Enterprise 2.0 technologies.
Why does Enterprise 2.0 work?
People want to help
- Stop obsessing about risks
Lower barriers to altruism
Beware of the 'one best way' and slotting people into a predefined workflow
Emergent tools allow altruism and innovation
Ask "How much workflow, this process, this structure, is necessary to be successful at this time?"
make it easier to corect mistakes instead of hard to create them
use tools that let structue appear
Strategy may be dead
Time for a Chief innovation Officer instead of Chief Strategist
Don't nail it down up front. Set the direction and the outcome.
Innocentive - open source problem solving for problems that stump the home organization
Question credentialism. Innocentive lets anyone, regardless of credentials look at this.
Build communities that people want to join
Example: Verizon Customer support open source
Createed method of identity and the ability to acquire status reputation and identity
With a little bit of technology facilitation, crowds can be very wise
Enable peer review
Experiment with collective intelligence (wisdom of crowd)
Better collaboration is not the only goal
"Narrate your work" (Dave Weiner) Do this over time and let people link to it and talk about it.
Increated awareness, not of solutions, but of people behind the solutions
Real results
Sitting this one out is a bad idea
Look at technology with fresh eyes
We're not going back to business as usual
How to succeed with Enterprise 2.0
How to snatch defeat from the laws of vistory
- Declare war on the existing enterprise
- Allow waled gardens to flourish
- Accentuating the negative
- Try to replace email
New entrant needs to be 10x better than incumbent (e-mail is not going away)
Where you can succeed is where there is a blank space in technology landscape (no incumbent)
Fall in love with features
Think iPod - all it does is play music.
Overuse the word "social"
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