I'm particularly excited about my Organizational Management capstone project - a start-up business plan. I have 10 weeks in which to develop this plan, at which time I will present it to my management cohort and a group of potential investors and bankers that my management professor has invited to evaluate our research and presentations.
For my capstone project, I've decided to take my ICA eProductivity Template for Lotus Notes - a productivity tool that I wrote many years ago to help me personally implement the GTD methodology using Lotus Notes - and develop it into a commercial product. The ICA eProductivity template has been around for many years, and during that time it has undergone many changes based on feedback from my eProductivity clients who use it daily. Several of the staff at one of my eProductivity clients, The David Allen Company, have used this template as well and it's been fun to get feedback from a group of highly productive and organized people. Still, there's much that I want to do with it, including a new design for Notes 6.5x and 7.x and a general product release. I'm in the process of assembling the software development and management teams for this new adventure.
I was involved in a successful software start-up company, many years ago. The company marketed two products I had designed: MailScout for cc:Mail and the cc:Mail Pager Gateway. My close friend, Tanny O'Haley, was the mastermind behind the implementation of both of these highly successful products. (MailScout sold close to 500,000 licenses by the time cc:Mail went away.) I learned a lot, as CTO of Peloria Technology Corporation, , however, in that role, I only managed a very small side of the day-to-day business planning process. Now, with the more distinguished title of chief, cook, and bottle washer, I will have the opportunity to more carefully plan all aspects of this project. :-)
Next stop: Homeschool start-up school.
Assigned reading: Art of the Start, by Guy Kawasaki
NOTE: Each week, I receive new requests for ICA eProductivity Template for Lotus Notes. Several years ago, I made to choice not to release the software to non-clients until I was prepared to devote the resources needed to do a first class job. (I'd rather disappoint folks by turning them down than by letting them down.) The good news is that anyone who has contacted me over the past 3 years will receive an early adopter discount. In addition, I'm planning to select a few qualified sites to offer them full eProductivity Pilots, including on-site consulting.
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