Kelly gets her 5 minutes of fame

Monday, August 9th, 2004
Kelly and I were honored to be in the wedding of a close friend of mine. Kelly was the flower girl while I stood up front and thought about what it will be like to escort each of my daughters down the aisle someday.

During the rehearsals, Kelly walked so briskly that Kathy and I both encouraged her to walk more slowly. On the day of the wedding, Kelly did just that; she took her sweet time; so much so, that the wedding procession was almost done by the time she reached the altar, yet the bride was still in the aisle. (Oops.)

Image:Kelly gets her 5 minutes of fameImage:Kelly gets her 5 minutes of fame

There was some concern that the bride and groom might not find their way out from the reception, so we added a pilot-car sign to Kelly's gown ...

Image:Kelly gets her 5 minutes of fame

The wedding went well, and my friend and his new bride did not stop beaming the whole time.

The only problem (for me) was that Wendy caught the bouquet ...

Application for permission to date my daughter

Thoughts on how to pay for a wedding

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