I'm trying to export a script library using the 8.5.1 designer so I can move it elsewhere. In 7.x designer, it's as simple as, well, exporting a script library.
The export feature appears to be missing from my 8.5.1 designer and it's driving me crazy. For that matter, I do not have the ability to import a script library either. While I very much like the 8.5.1. designer, this is a serious show-stopper for me.
My current workaround is to move the DB to a computer with 7.03 designer, export the LSS there and copy it back to the 8.5.1 box.
It's certainly not productive.
I hope I'm simply missing a setting or something. It would seem a huge step back to have lost this functionality with the move to 8.5.1.
Any help would be appreciated.
Discussion/Comments (10):
Thank goodness I am not the only one. I had to import script into a form first and then do a copy-paste to my script library.
Posted at 11/11/2009 10:51:38 by John
I just checked, and it's missing from my Designer too when I look for it when I am inside a Script Library.
I can import and export LotusScript from LotusScript events on a form, but not when inside a library.
Posted at 11/11/2009 10:57:23 by Jens Bruntt
There was a fair bit of debate about this for some reason during the Design Partner process (at least on my part there was).
The easy workaround is that in the script editor you don't have to view the parts in sections, you can go to the topmost part of the object tree and access the entire script at once, so just do select all, copy and you you can put it into whatever you want.
I agree though, import/export should be there.
Posted at 11/11/2009 11:03:26 by Andrew Pollack
Check out the "Introducing the Eclipse-based LotusScript Editor" document on page 10-11.
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Posted at 11/11/2009 11:24:28 by Mark O'Hara
Thanks, Andrew. Seems like a huge oversight to me. For all of the claims of increased productivity in 8.5.1 Designer, this is a major step backward. At least for me.
Thanks for the tip on export, though.
I hope Lotus fixes this soon.
Posted at 11/11/2009 11:55:13 by Eric Mack
Get to know designer and I think you'll become addicted to the new ls editor.
Once I got some really good code templates in place, I'd really hate to go backward.
I'm planning to suggest some additions to that, by the way.
Posted at 11/11/2009 11:58:27 by Andrew Pollack
Thank you, Mark. I would never have found that. I made the change and the export option now appears. I wonder what else is now broken/missing in the process? In any case, thank you. I'm pasting the relevant text here so that others following this thread can benefit from your tip.
Importing and exporting code
Complete the following steps to learn how to import and export code using the Eclipse-based editor.
1. Read the section Importing and exporting code in the topic Comparing the Eclipse-based and classic
LotusScript editors in the Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.1 Help.
Note: This help topic can be found under Lotus Domino Designer XPages and Eclipse User Guide →
Eclipse-based language interfaces → Eclipse-based LotusScript editor.
2. In the CoreEmailClasses script library, click in the editor pane. Examine the options available in the
File menu. Note that neither Import nor Export is available.
3. Select the entire library by clicking Edit → Select All. Right-click on the selected text, and note that
you are able to copy the code. This method is one way to move code between design elements as
needed without using the import or export options.
4. In the LotusScript preferences, clear the option to Use Eclipse-based LotusScript editor. Click Apply
and then OK.
5. Close and reopen the CoreEmailClasses library. Note that now both the Import and Export options
are available in the File menu. Switching to the classic LotusScript editor is another option if a
customer needs to import or export LotusScript code.
Posted at 11/11/2009 12:02:07 by Eric Mack
sigh! Looks like its a copy and paste job... IBM giveth with one hand and ram it up your a$$ with the other..
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Posted at 11/11/2009 15:26:38 by Giulio
The option to use the old "non-eclipse" LS editor is always there (under Preferences) to address any issues with backwards compatibility.
Posted at 11/12/2009 10:27:13 by Peter Presnell
I ran into this today while developing an agent for export... support for exporting to .lss files is essential for developing for systems such as Quickr, I had to disable the Eclipse-based editor to get that function back so I could write placebots. IBM really needs to address this in the Eclipse-based editor, it really puts a black eye on it.
Posted at 02/25/2010 13:09:16 by Eric Radloff
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