My post on GTD Connect touched off a storm of discussion about GTD Connect. Even David Allen jumped into the discussion! I think the implied question is "Is GTD Connect worth it?" This discussion continues here, on my blog and over in the GTD Yahoo group. I think that the contributors have clearly shared their point of view.  Rather than comment further, I encourage you to read my original post, along with all of the comments, including a David's response.

Early adopter, Michael Sampson, was among the first to sign up for GTD Connect. He had this to say...

I remember Eric raving to me about some guy called David Allen and his "managing actions & projects" work back in 1998, how cool it was, how helpful it was to him, and how I should get involved. In 1999 I purchased the MAP tape series when I was up in the US, and devoured it. When I started a company here in NZ later that year, it was required listening for everyone. David's work made a profound difference in my professional life, and I'm trying to get it to work personally too.

I've signed up for GTD Connect because I want to get to GTD Black Belt.

The $48 per month is a small price to pay for the incredible wealth of information and contacts I expect to make, not to mention the productivity benefits I'm expecting based on getting to 'mind like water'. And given that I live in New Zealand, and to date David hasn't ventured down here to give a public seminar, this is the closest I'm getting for the time being. When I visited with Eric a couple of weeks back, he graciously gifted me a copy of the GTD Connect interviews with Steve Kowalski and John Frager. It was so helpful to listen to the discussion, and I learnt a lot that I was able to put into practice immediately. I've thanked both Steve and John for sharing their thoughts by email.

With respect to comments above about David "giving back", I think he's giving a huge amount on an ongoing basis. And GTD Connect is a formalized way of him giving even more. I enjoyed his blog while it happened, and I understand his comments that he has to prioritize his time, attention and investments. As he says himself to us in his book ... "you can't do everything".

Finally, although I've thanked him on the phone in years past, I hope to meet David someday and thank him in person. And perhaps he can bring Kathryn down for some rain when she's next hanging out for some! We've had a real wet winter down here this year.

Just my $0.02,

I think that's some good feedback, Michael, and a real testimony to David and the Connect team.  I'll see David tomorrow. I'll drop another hint he really needs to come down to NZ and that he really really needs me, as his technologist, accompany him. David and I are such propeller heads that I'm not sure either of us would make it onto the plane. I know that TSA won't let me bring my productivity juice on the plane. :-)  

Back to my blog post... I'd like to hear from others... What do you think so far? What do you think of Michael's assessment?

Discussion/Comments (3):

Is GTD Connect worth the monthly investment?


I had a GTD Black Belt experience yesterday. After spending a couple of hours listening to some GTD Connect audio material on my iPod while mowing the lawns here, I took three of the boys into town to do the grocery shopping for the week. I had my lists with me, and when I got to the shopping destination, pulled out my BlackBerry to see what else I had to do there. There were 2-3 items in my errands context that I had totally offloaded from my mind ... I'd entirely forgotten about them ... and a review of that list brought them back to the fore. It was awesome.

Yours with mind like water,


Posted at 08/19/2006 10:25:08 by Michael Sampson

Marc Orchant has posted his thougts on his blog

{ Link }

Posted at 08/21/2006 12:23:17 by Eric Mack

Is GTD Connect worth the monthly investment?

I do not think the price is completely out of scope of what is being offered. I am interested in trying to sign up via my day job for one year of service vice the month to month, but I think that option is still in development. - Steve

Posted at 08/22/2006 14:05:55 by Steve Holden

Discussion for this entry is now closed.