I’m Tickled by the GTD Tickler File

Thursday, March 26th, 2009
I used a recent gift card from the GTD Summit to purchase the 43 Folders known as the David Allen Tickler file. Today, a I received a package from Ludmila at The David Allen Company store with my folders.
20090326_DavidAllenTickler43Folders 004.jpg
Inside the box is an instruction card and 43 heavy duty blue plastic folders with attractive labels: 12 folders for months and 31 folders for days. As I have come to expect, the quality is outstanding and the labels are laminated into the folder so they won't wear off. Unlike paper folders, they won't wear out, either.

I prefer to use the digital tickler file that's built-in to eProductivity, but for things that can't be digitized the David Allen Tickler files are ideal. Another benefit is that, like all David Allen gear, they are attractive. By attractive, I mean that I'm more inclined to use things that attract me to them. That's why I like certain tools, products, or services.

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The instruction card includes an overview of the how and why a tickler system and offers examples of things you might use a tickler system for. Even if you are a mostly digital guy like me, you will find benefit in these instructions.

Sure, I could create my own tickler files from manilla folders and a labeler, but these folders are fun to look at and I'm more likely to use them as a result. You can find them here.

Discussion/Comments (2):

I’m Tickled by the GTD Tickler File

Nice and shiny! I agree...attractive is a necessity.

Posted at 03/26/2009 18:42:10 by Chris Blatnick

I’m Tickled by the GTD Tickler File

Spending that time to create your own would go well with the whole productivity mantra. And yes - they look much nicer.

Posted at 04/22/2009 12:46:31 by Whakate

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