I have a natural tendency to avoid things that show me where I fall short. To read and understand the Bible requires a willingness to look at myself as God sees me, warts and all. It's not something that is easy for me to do.
The attractive part is that through the Bible we can begin to understand the mind of God, His plan and His love for us. We also learn how to live, and by that I mean not only how to behave but how to LIVE - to experience the fullness and richness of life as God intended. In the book of Joshua, there's a promise that if we delight in God's Word, we will experience the rewards of an abundant life:
Do not let this book of the Law depart of your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful."
The most amazing thing to me is that in an age of broken promises and shifting views, God's Word is unchanging and timeless. It's as relevant now as it was in Joshua's day.
It's a new year and so far, I'm three for three on reading my Bible. Many years ago, I purchased The Daily Bible, which provides 365 daily readings in chronological order with running commentary. This breaks the text into bite-size pieces and organizes them in an easy to follow manner. I personally prefer the NIV translation for this type of reading as I find that it flows well. If you prefer an on-line (and free) resource, check out the Daily Net Bible or listen on your iPod.
I am delighting in learning more about what God has revealed in His Word and I want to encourage you to do the same.
Discussion/Comments (3):
Thanks for the challenge. Back in December I had thought reading through the Bible in '07, but soon forgot about it. Thanks for the prodding to go ahead and get started.
Posted at 01/03/2007 17:48:37 by Keith G.
Kewl, thanks for the reminder Eric ... good challenge indeed.
Is there an audio version for the Microsoft Zune? Being an MS guy, I doubt you'd have an iPod from Apple ;-)
Posted at 01/03/2007 19:39:56 by Michael Sampson
Eric -
I agree with Mr. Sampson (boy, you smart, techie guys all seem to know each other....) - thanks for the encouragement & challenge. While I generally have at least 1 "religion" book going at a time (currently "Living the Cross Centered Life" by Maheny and "Humana Dignity is the Biotech Century" by Colson & Cameron), the idea/reminder to read thru the Bible itself daily is timely (I suppose I shouldn't need a reminder, but....). Thanks!
Posted at 01/04/2007 5:51:20 by Art Forrest
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