"When a [space] vehicle blows us, all you have left is the paper." For this reason, we need to think about how we are capturing and organizing our information so that we can learn from it.

Integrated IT Architecture can be leveraged
-To enhance search/data mining capabilities
- Knowledge put to use on new designs

Process for retrieving related records and documents is tedious, time consuming, and inaccurate.

The Connect Concept:
Enable the user to retrieve records and documents related to a task or an issue. Context sensitive work.

Working definitions:
Records are documents that require a signature
Documents are supporting information.

Defining Knowledge Relationship's

A "connect" capability complete historical trend
- Managing results (Documents & Records)
- Managing interactions (Links defined by process/business rules)
- Managing relationships

What's missing is the ability to connect this information so that it is relevant to the project the individual is working on.

[It's interesting to be blogging this academic conference; I get to see similar problems that I see in business, but from another perspective.]

A series of slides to illustrate how to track the locations of records and documents across an organization and how to identify the relationships between them.  [And here I think my own or my clients information management challenges are complex - imagine finding a manufacturing report and all related documents to a bolt for a time part on the space shuttle.]

Each record or document is given a connect ID which allows documents to be managed and located across repositories. And, we're not just talking about centralized repositories; there are many files located in personal folders on laptop and desktop hard drives.

(It appears to start with serializing everything in a structured convention and then tracking what's where.)

Discussion around taxonomies

Personal observation: PowerPoint or its Mac equivalent may be dead or dying in business, but it is alive and well in academic research. Would do well to have presenters disable screen saver before presenting.

From a software perspective, I wonder why the big players, like IBM, Oracle, etc, are not here, listening to the problems these researchers are facing? Seems like a missed opportunity.

How to implement this:

Step 1. Begin with quality legacy information. Review existing data repositories, clean and classify by taxonomy

I may have missed a step, but we are now talking about why keyword search does not work in complex environments.

The presenter proposes a method of generalized search paths by context (e.g. part, project, assembly, case, engineer etc.)

Took us through the paperflow of building a rocket engine. Proposed ways to organize records and documents so that he paper rocket engine matches the real thing so that when an engine is delivered to NASA it can be accompanied by a disk 0 its digital representation of records and documents.


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