For the past several years, my wife and
I have led the local AWANA Cubbies
program in Pine Mountain Club.
This year, I have been unable to be involved much, so Kathy is currently
leading the program with the help of a wonderful team of volunteers.
Kathy still calls upon me from time
to time - whenever she needs unusual assistance.
Tonight was one of those nights when
I was called upon to do something unusual...
Cubbie Bear and some of his friends
pose for a picture.
After the meeting, Cubbie Bear stopped
by my office...
What? Even bears have to check their
e-mail sometime.
Discussion/Comments (2):
Still hiding your "current" face from the camera Eric :-). I see you also did the same on David's site.
BTW - How does Cubbie type with only two fingers?
Posted at 09/08/2004 9:48:21 by Bruce Elgort
Bruce, I'll find a way to respond to your first comment soon, somewhere. Be on guard.
As for typing with two paws, it's not really a problem. It's just a variation on hunt and peck.
Best regards,
Posted at 09/08/2004 15:32:31 by Eric Mack
Discussion for this entry is now closed.