
Andrew S. Gordon, USC Institute for Creative Technologies talks about concept development and visualization.

Story-based organizational learning: a Vision.
We share our experiences through stories. Through stories, others can learn from our experience.

Talked about using immersive virtual environments as a tool for sharing, training, learning.
Today, we are looking at how to capture stories and then use them for learning and knowledge sharing.

Traditional approach
Stories Gathered through interviews
- Talk to the people who have skill and experience in the subjects we are training for to gather real-world experience. Gathered from practitioners, once their experiences are over.

Analyzed to identify training relevance [based on established training objectives]

Integrated into hand-crafted training simulations [deployed months or years later, at great financial cost]

Automated Story Capture [a new approach]

Previous story capture efforts have involved interviews
[Clark 07, Snowden, 00, Gordon 05]

Work-related storytelling is part of organizational socialization
[Coopman 08]

Gathering stories from audio speech
[Gordon 05]
Commercial speech recognition, Naive Bayes text classification
Poor results; 39.6% precision, 25.3% recall
Good results on transcriptions; 53% precision; 62.9% recall

Gathering stories from weblog text
[Gordon 07]
Support vector machines, Sentence Delimiting, Gaussian Smoothing
Good results: 46.4% precision 60% recall

Building a large corpus of weblog stories
[Gordon 07]

Previous research focused on manual story based indexing
[Domeshek, 92] [Johnson, 00]
Analysts read stories, identify points, author formal index
best solution for retrieval of analogous stories or point-specific stories

Task-based story retrieval
For task-relevant stories, textual features are sufficient
StoryUpgrade [Gordon, 08]: Traditional IR system + "boring story" queries
"Boring story" queries: Fictional accounts of prototypical task performance

End-user evaluation
Support for story-based training development
Working with military to augment their training programs

Interesting discussion of blogging by military personnel and the impact on national security . If we can monitor and learn from everyday conversations, so can anyone else... Hmmmm. is all this blogging a good thing?

Successful computer-based training (four characteristics we are looking for)
Situated learning
Guided instruction (mentorship, real, etc)
Multimedia presentation
Narrative environment

What is the minimal-cost design for successful story-based training?
Prototype evaluation

Prototype Evaluation
Quick to create (4 days)
Use existing development tools

Next steps
End-user authoring
End-user management

Story-management pipeline for organizational learning
Goal: go to experience to story based training in just a few days
A form of extremely mediated storytelling

Story-based organizational learning
A training developer, over the course of a single day...
Collects stories from the public textual discourse of the organization...
Identifies stories that are relevant to current organizational training needs...
authors and delivers effective story-based learning throughout the organization.

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