Twenty years ago, I was baptized by immersion.
On Palm Sunday, we had a baptism celebration for those that wanted who make this public demonstration and I signed up to get wet. Nothing changed for me that day - and yet everything did. Baptism itself does not change a person or guarantee a spot in heaven; it is only an external symbol of an internal transformation. You see, my baptism was an outward demonstration of an inward change that had been made years earlier, when I understood and personally accepted responsibility for my sins and the realization that there was a better way for me to live than apart from God's plan for me. My testimony then - as today - is that of a changed man.
Though nervous at the time, I was delighted to share the story of that change publicly through my water baptism 20 years ago. I wanted everyone to know what the Lord had done for me. Those who knew me saw the transformation unfold. Today, as I sat in church to celebrate Resurrection Sunday I am again delighted and thankful for what the Savior did on my behalf. That redemption is available to all who repent and believe. I know, it sounds too easy. In fact, that simplicity took me a long time to get over. Now, as a parent, I understand it better: Our heavenly father, the God of the Bible, loves us so much and desires a personal relationship with us. Yet, our rebellion causes us to be separated from Him - but not from His love. Yet, while we were in a state of rebellion, (much like an unruly child), He provided a way for us to be reconciled, the relationship restored, and hearts healed.
It's not about religion. Religion is man's futile attempt to please God. It's about Love, God's love for us and the willingness to accept the gift that He offers His children. A gift He offers you.
Discussion/Comments (4):
What a beautiful testimony! Thanks for sharing.
Posted at 04/05/2010 18:46:22 by Bonnie
Well said, Mr. Mack. I recently heard "Religion is man trying to understand God. Christianity is God coming to man to have a relationship." We were blessed to see three members of a family get baptized in our church on this past Sunday. I can only give God the glory for it, but it was a powerful testimony to see how God had used faithful witnesses such as yourself to reach first the wife, then the husband, and through their trusting in Christ, their oldest son. Thanks for standing up to be counted. I needed the encouragement this morning. :-)
Posted at 04/06/2010 5:14:28 by Jerry Carter
Thanks, Jerry, for your words of encouragement. Indeed, God gets the glory. 12 years after my own baptism, I had the joy of baptizing my twins. { Link }
Posted at 04/06/2010 9:46:49 by Eric Mack
"Religion is man's a futile attempt to please God." hahaha! This is so true.
Posted at 07/19/2010 3:05:51 by Pam
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