GTD + Blackberry + Lotus Notes

Monday, October 16th, 2006
Here's a useful application for Blackberry users: S4BB recently released Next Action!, a replacement task application for the BlackBerry that claims to make it more GTD friendly.

The web site indicates that this new task application will maintain compatibility with existing desktop applications, such as Outlook and Lotus Notes. I've not had the opportunity to verify this yet, but this sounds like a promising solution for BlackBerry users that use Lotus Notes (with or without the eProductivity Template).

Presently, many of my clients use Lotus Notes and a Palm-based device (e.g. Treo 650/700p) for their task management due to its simple interface and categories that make it easy to implement GTD.

While I am not personally a BlackBerry user I understand that managing GTD-style categories with the BB can be a challenge. I'm curious to see if this product delivers on its promise.

If anyone has first hand experience with this product, please post a comment.

via: Michael Sampson
The KM World Knowledge Management Conference is coming up in San Jose, California

I'm curious, has anyone been to a KM World conference? Anyone planning on going?

It’s good to be back home

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006
After a week away, due to the fire, it's good to be home. On Sunday, the evacuation restrictions were lifted for the mountain communities. Kathy and I made trips back and forth to shuttle belongings, supplies, children and Lassie. Like everyone in our small mountain community, we are thankful and grateful for the dedicated work of the firefighters in battling this historic blaze.


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