Barth and Sampson visit the Digital Sandbox

Monday, January 29th, 2007
Today, I received two special visitors to the Digital Sandbox - Steve Barth and Michael Sampson. Steve's a recognized authority on knowledge management and organizational learning, especially the dynamic relationships between individual knowledge workers and their peers, teams, organizations and communities.


I first met Steve at the KM World Conference in San Jose and we immediately hit it off. Once we discovered that we were both passionate about the concept of the KM approach to self organization and personal productivity we knew we wanted to explore our common interests further.
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Five things you probably don’t know about me

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007
The tagging meme has caught up to me. I've recently been tagged by several people, including Jason Womack, Brendon Connelly (SlackerManager), Katy Whitton, and several others; I've lost track. (sorry).  Here, a little late, is my post in response.

Five things you probably don't know about me.
  • I almost got blown up by terrorists in Mons, Belgium
  • I used to produce championship wrestling videos in Barbados
  • I once got in trouble for "visiting" a computer center uninvited
  • I gave up "playing with computers" to became a professional
  • I have living proof of the power of prayer
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This year marks my 25th year as a technology consultant and eProductivity specialist. In that time, I've learned a lot about working with staff, being self employed and, in the past 12 years, about working from a home office.

As I reflect on the past and think about what I want to accomplish in 2007, I decided to make a list of some of the things that I enjoy about my work and about working from home.

Some obvious aspects that I enjoy are the ability to follow my interests, choose my clients (that's a big one) and my work, and work from home.  

Here are a few more ...

Twenty-five things I like about my work:

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One of my daily affirmations is "I enjoy discovering what the Bible has to teach me as I read through it each year."   I must admit that I do not accomplish this goal each year, but I have done it and it is something that I aspire to accomplish again in 2007. Reading ths Bible is like playing with magnets. Despite my ability to consume large quantities of books in the course of the year, there's something about reading the Bible that I find  both repulsive and attractive.

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A bicycle wheel that is out of balance won't run true. Neither will a life.

Just as a bicycle wheel must be adjusted periodically to run true, in life it's important to focus on the areas that require daily attention to stay in balance. Otherwise, the bumps in the road will get you.


I've kept a record of both and I find that the gap between my stated priorities and my actual priorities can be large at times. I needed a better way to manage and track my performance so that I could see if what I did matched up with my stated priorities.
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